Lifewave I 使用指引

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LIFEWAVE X39貼片使用指引:

  1. 於日間使用,每天使用1片,連續使用 12-15小時
  2. 可貼於身體任何位置上(需乾爽及無傷口)
  3. 建議位置:貼於頸後大椎穴 (大頸椎骨下凹入位置) 或肚臍下隔兩雙手指位置
  4. 可先貼建議位置 8-10小時後,再貼於有痛症位置上,或有傷口及皮膚問題附近上
  5. 自己使用完 12小時後,可以給寵物或盆栽使用
  6. 防水防汗 (非常大汗除外) ,貼後洗澡亦可
  7. 附隨膠珠無需使用
  8. 必需保持身體充足水份以達到最佳效果 (建議一早起床飲2杯水500cc,然後每隔一小時飲1杯 (200-250cc),每天最好可以有3公升以上)

LIFEWAVE X39 usage guideline:

  1. Use in Day time, use 1 patch only for 12-15 hours
  2. Can be used on any place of the skin (Dry and clean skin)
  3. Suggest placement: on the back of the neck or the place below the belly button)
  4. Can put on the suggest placement for 8-10 hours and then put on the place has pain, or near would and skin problem
  5. Can put on pets or planets after used for 12 hours
  6. It’s water proof
  7. No need to use the beads
  8. Must drink enjoy water before using it and keep well hydrated during the use of the patch (Suggest drink 500cc after wake up and keep 200-250 every hour, over 3L per day)







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